At the tail end of the day, Salt and Light Radio has surpassed its daily goal. There is still time to pledge though! Please call in and reach one of our helpful operators before the day is over! Deacon Mike Lowe is on the air now!
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Hard at work in the phone banks!
During the St. Marks hour, some Knights of Columbus volunteered to answer phones in the phone banks. They are hard at work in there, but not entirely busy, so they are ready to answer your call!
Keeping the 6:00 Hour Going Strong!
The first day of the United in Hope spring pledge drive is going well! Thanks to an outpouring of support of generous donors, we are off to a good start! But the day is not yet over, and we still need your help! We at Salt & Light Radio depend on people like you to stay on the air. We need your help! Call 208-344-4774 to make your pledge of support. We are still in the St. Marks hour, with more guests like Anne Marie Reuter to come! Stay tuned and pledge your support!
St. Mark's - Hour Two - Set the Phones Aflame!
The good news is...there was a moment when all the phones were in use.
The bad news is...they aren't all in use right now. Help! Call 344-4774 or pledge online.
This will be a spectacular hour for St. Mark's Parish. Join
Chris Privon as he hosts the next 2 hours with Brian Howell. They will guide intriguing conversation with

Fr. Bruno Mgaya (sorry, Fr. Bruno, you were caught off guard),
Deacon Mike Lowe, Ann Marie Reuter, and Chuck Nelson.
The bad news is...they aren't all in use right now. Help! Call 344-4774 or pledge online.
This will be a spectacular hour for St. Mark's Parish. Join
Fr. Bruno Mgaya (sorry, Fr. Bruno, you were caught off guard),
Deacon Mike Lowe, Ann Marie Reuter, and Chuck Nelson.
Where is Catholic Answers?
Are you looking for Catholic Answers? You have found it...sort of. Salt and Light Radio brings you Catholic Answers to bolster your faith, answer your questions and even the questions you didn't know you had. Support Salt and Light Radio and it can bring you Catholic Answers everyday at 4:00. Support the UNITED IN HOPE Spring Pledge Drive. Call now 344-4774 or pledge online.
Right now you are listening to...
David Wacker
Right now you are listening to...
David Wacker
(There is a lot of height in the studio right now 6'5" 6'6" 6'9".)
Then tune in for Rob Sower...
and follow his faith journey and learn about Apologetti.
Reflection from a Catholic ER Physician and African Refugee
This will be a fascinating hour! Listen now to hear Dr. Brian Reynolds discuss how being an ER doctor effects his faith and how his faith effects his care. Then listen to Gracieux Baraka's story of birth in the Democratic Republic of Congo, travel to Kenya and immigration to the United States. Are you inspired? That is why you listen to Catholic Radio - to learn, be inspired, be moved. Call to keep it on the air. 344-4774 or pledge online.
Your host: Sean Forrest
St. Mark's Delivers the Drive Time Blitz!: Amazing Prizes and Gifts for Those Who Call During this Hour.
St. Mark's - The Mighty Lions - This is your time!
Generous Gifts from Lighthouse Media and St. Mark's Catholic Community. (Can you say, "WOW!?")
Divine Mercy Image on Canvas
Our Lady with baby Jesus and a lamb.
CD Media:
Venerable Fulton J Sheen: Life is Worth Living. 3 talks from his Emmy Award-winning show
The Saving Power of Divine Mercy by Fr. Jason Brooks LC
A Guide to Raising (Almost) Perfect Kids by Dr. Gregory and Lisa Popcak
Being All In from NFL playing field to the mission field by Erik Mahl
Three to Get Married by Venerable Fulton J. Sheen
If You Really Loved Me by Jason Evert
St. John Paul the Great by Jason Evert
Render Unto Ceasar: Serving the Nation by Living Our Catholic Beliefs in Political Life by Charles J Chaput
and...a Salt and Light Radio string backpack.
Celebrate Recovery, Knights and Prison Ministry brings men and women to Christ
Prison Ministry leads men and women to Christ through the Story Link cards and artisan projects like...
Welcome to Skip Girard and John Murphy from the Knights of Columbus of Sacred Heart. Oh Knights! Call now for Sacred Heart! 344-4774. They have a long list of upcoming events - sounds like fun!
Welcome Mildred Tillotson, Lee Healy, Michelle Metro who share the important and life-saving ministry of Celebrate Recovery. to learn more. United in Hope! 344-4774
Aren't these amazing? They could be yours if you call 344-4774. An incarcerated person assembled this card and felt loved, learned a skill, and shared time with Christ.
This is the story of Story Link. In case you cannot see it clearly, visit and click Story Link Idaho. Below, Barbara Girard explains the Story Link project.
Welcome Fr. Rob Cook!
Welcome to Skip Girard and John Murphy from the Knights of Columbus of Sacred Heart. Oh Knights! Call now for Sacred Heart! 344-4774. They have a long list of upcoming events - sounds like fun!
These are prizes available if you call now....344-4774 or pledge online.
Welcome Mildred Tillotson, Lee Healy, Michelle Metro who share the important and life-saving ministry of Celebrate Recovery. to learn more. United in Hope! 344-4774
Sacred Heart raises the pulse!
Welcome to the UNITED IN HOPE 2015 Spring Pledge Drive for Salt and Light Catholic Radio. We are glad you are here!
This hour is hosted by Sacred Heart Catholic Church's Chef Vern Bauer. Call today! 344-4774. Be sure to mention your Knights of Columbus Council Number!
(Fact: Chef Vern brought special treats and is hiding them behind the microphone. My mom says sharing is nice and hiding is naughty.)
This hour is hosted by Sacred Heart Catholic Church's Chef Vern Bauer. Call today! 344-4774. Be sure to mention your Knights of Columbus Council Number!
(Fact: Chef Vern brought special treats and is hiding them behind the microphone. My mom says sharing is nice and hiding is naughty.)
Hallasey Tournament Committee Members: Jim Webb and Charles Eddy
Roger Graefe inspires and invigorates young people at Sacred Heart Youth Group.
Team Havoc! (Hands and Voices of Christ) Brilliant!
Look at these beautiful gifts that could be yours!
hand made prayer shalls
hand made totebag
spring themed faith gift baskets
potted plant with garden rock
Knights of Columbus wine and chocolate basket
hidden treasures in the wine and chocolate basket
Wiggle your fingers and dial the phone!
Welcome to the UNITED IN HOPE Salt and Light Catholic Radio 2015 Spring Pledge Drive!
Are part of OR know someone who is involved with Holy Apostles...
Returning Catholics?
Knights of Columbus?
Challenges are laid out before you! *$500 is on the line this hour. *The Knights of Columbus Golden Spatula is up for grabs. *The parish challenge is the parish with the MOST NEW donors will received premier seating at the Al Kresta presentation on Friday, June 25 at St. Marks.
Please PRAY for this Pledge Drive. Visit our beautiful and cozy chapel here at the station. 5601 Cassia St. in Boise.
Please call 344-4774 or pledge online! We are heading into Holy Apostles Hour #3. Whew! Ready?
-- Day Sponsorships. Honor a loved one or special event with a special message on a special day. $50 month for half a day sponsorship or $100 for full day sponsorship. Celebrate with Salt and Light Radio!
Returning Catholics?
Knights of Columbus?
Please PRAY for this Pledge Drive. Visit our beautiful and cozy chapel here at the station. 5601 Cassia St. in Boise.
Please call 344-4774 or pledge online! We are heading into Holy Apostles Hour #3. Whew! Ready?
Join Bill Bieker as he discusses the hospital chaplaincy. Remember when we are sick that Christ sends his apostles to hold our hands and share His love. "I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me." Mt 25:36
St. Luke's Meridian
Continuing with the gentle theme of caring for other is Mary Kelly from Holy Apostles Parish Nursing.
-- Day Sponsorships. Honor a loved one or special event with a special message on a special day. $50 month for half a day sponsorship or $100 for full day sponsorship. Celebrate with Salt and Light Radio!
Run the Good Race...Fight the Good Fight...Call the Good Call
Holy Apostles continues to motivate and encourage listeners of the UNITED IN HOPE Salt and Light Radio Spring Pledge Drive!
Hour 2 - Are you ready? There is a new goal -- won't you help to meet it? 344-4774 or just look to the left and pledge now.
Welcome Guest Jonathan Kahnoski from RCIA.
Hour 2 - Are you ready? There is a new goal -- won't you help to meet it? 344-4774 or just look to the left and pledge now.
Welcome Guest Jonathan Kahnoski from RCIA.
Jonathan shares his inspiring journey to Christ and His Church.
Deacon candidate John Lee shares his wisdom with the listening world. Isn't he energizing?
(Quote from Brian, "You always smell so good, John."
Pack your suitcase...
Every caller is entered into a drawing for tickets to the...

AND for a subscription to the Magnificat.

Call 344-4774 or just look the left of this post!
AND for a subscription to the Magnificat.
Call 344-4774 or just look the left of this post!
Holy Apostles Rocks the Lunch Hour!
Welcome to the UNITED IN HOPE Salt and Light Radio Spring Pledge Drive.
This is the hour dedicated to the LARGEST parish in the Diocese of Boise. Our parish (truth be told -- I, ye blogger, claim it, too) can blow this pledge drive out the water!! Call or pledge online!
344-4774 in the Treasure Valley
490-7754 in the Magic Valley
Goal: $3000. Easy? Only if you call.
Whoop! Whoop! Holy Apostles met the goal, beat the goal, and kept running. Over $5000 raised in the first hour! Who loves Catholic Radio? Holy Apostles listeners love, love Catholic Radio. Stay in touch with your faith with the awesome apostolate. Electric bills, staffing bills, basic all costs money and your support keeps the faith on the air. Keep it up, Holy Apostles!
Hungry? There are 6 certificates for dinners for 2 at the Texas Roadhouse. You do need to call and pledge to get your name in. Thank you to Holy Apostles parishioners Mike and Erin Murphy.
This is the hour dedicated to the LARGEST parish in the Diocese of Boise. Our parish (truth be told -- I, ye blogger, claim it, too) can blow this pledge drive out the water!! Call or pledge online!
344-4774 in the Treasure Valley
490-7754 in the Magic Valley
Goal: $3000. Easy? Only if you call.
Whoop! Whoop! Holy Apostles met the goal, beat the goal, and kept running. Over $5000 raised in the first hour! Who loves Catholic Radio? Holy Apostles listeners love, love Catholic Radio. Stay in touch with your faith with the awesome apostolate. Electric bills, staffing bills, basic all costs money and your support keeps the faith on the air. Keep it up, Holy Apostles!
Hungry? There are 6 certificates for dinners for 2 at the Texas Roadhouse. You do need to call and pledge to get your name in. Thank you to Holy Apostles parishioners Mike and Erin Murphy.
This is Mary. Not THE Mary, but Mary Wax. She is the host for Holy Apostles's first hour.
Welcome Richard and Araceli Gratzinger
Patty Blazek
These are some fantastic gifts for lucky callers during this hour! Mmmm, Pancakes, VBS, Dinner Event.
Steve Hoffman shares about the new program Catholics Being Catholic
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