Thursday, November 11, 2010
Thank You!
Thank you everyone! We raised over $62,000 this week! We couldn't have done it without your help! Praise God for his providence!
Almost there!
Keep it coming!
Thank you listeners you are giving us some fantastic support! The phones are full, keep it coming!
This is it, the time is now!
Prize this hour is the Faith Database. 1500+ search-able writings. 10 versions of the Bible, Saints, church fathers, church doctors, papal encyclicals, and more! This is an amazing resource!

But that's not all! First time callers will also receive a holy card of the Madonna and Child that were blessed by Pope Benedict XVI.

Plus, if we can get 200 new callers this pledge drive, an anonymous donor will give $1,000! If you have never given before, please give today! Please be generous!
But that's not all! First time callers will also receive a holy card of the Madonna and Child that were blessed by Pope Benedict XVI.
Plus, if we can get 200 new callers this pledge drive, an anonymous donor will give $1,000! If you have never given before, please give today! Please be generous!
Salt & Light in Magic Valley?
That's right! Steve DiLucca was just on telling us that Salt and Light Magic Valley is getting started up! They are hoping to be on in May! Give them your prayers!
The final hour
We are heading into our final hour! We have donors who are matching pledges right now, so your gift will be doubled! We are still short of our goal and we need your help! If you want Catholic radio to stay on the air in Idaho, call right now!
We have the best listeners!
Another donor is matching the next $1,000 in pledges this hour! Call in and double your pledge!
Fr. Henry in on!
Father Henry, rector at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, is on live with Jerry Usher! Call in and show your support for Fr. Henry! Father is talking with us about the important mission of Catholic radio. Not only is Fr. Henry a fantastic priest, he also has his own radio on both Salt and Light and on Sol y Luz!
We are near the end of our pledge drive and we need your calls! Please be cheerful givers and lend us your support!
More matching!
Time is Running Out!
Fr. Arnie Miller
Fr. Arnie Miller from St. Mary's is on the air with Jerry Usher, talking about how holiness is the goal of everyone. Listen in as Fr. Miller talks with us about the writings of St. Catherine of Sienna. A special challenge this hour to St. Mary's parishioners to call in and support Fr. Miller's hour on Salt and Light radio.
An anonymous donor is matching the next $500 this hour!
Callers this hour will be entered into drawings for:
A weekend stay in a McCall condo
A one week stay in a Tamarack Chalet
Support Salt and Light
Call in and support Salt and Light radio! We are entering the last three hours of our pledge drive. Please consider making a pledge to keep Catholic radio on the air. Jay and Jerry have been talking about the benefit of small sacrifices in our spiritual lives and how we can make such a sacrifice to help support Catholic radio. Consider sacrificing a night out, or a movie ticket, or even a cup of coffee and instead make a pledge to Salt and Light. Every little bit helps. God bless!
Ascension Press in-studio
Jay Wonacott from Ascension Press is in-studio with Jerry Usher chatting about the theology of the body and importance of Catholic media.
Callers this hour will recieve a free, signed copy of "Freedom: 12 lives transformed by the theology of the body" by Mathew Pinto.

St. Mary's School
Jerry Usher is back in studio with Mike Pape from St. Mary's Catholic School. Special challenge this hour out to St. Mary's parishioners and St. Mary's parents.
And don't forget to head out to St. Mary's tonight for the Mass of Gratitude.
The next caller will receive a free CD of music produced by the students at St. Mary's. The next two callers after that will win a free lunch for 2 at Chef Lou's Westside Drive-in.
Plus, we have a donor who will match the next $500 of pledges for the 2 o'clock hour!
Save the date for the St. Mary's Ball and Auction on Nov. 20th!
Mass of Gratitude
Just a reminder for the Mass of Gratitude tonight at 7:00pm at St. Mary's. If you haven't visited St. Mary's since their renovation you need to come and see the amazing artwork on the doors and throughout the sanctuary, it is like nothing else in Idaho. But even more important, is that the mass tonight is being offered in thanksgiving for Catholic radio, and the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. If you can't make it in person listen in on 1140 Salt and Light Radio.
Pray for our soilders
Colonel Tony Wickham is on the air with Carol and Bob, all of whom have served in our military. They are sharing with their experiences and the importance of support for Catholic brothers and sisters who are serving to protect us, both in the field and when they return home. If you would like to get help with this important ministry contact Jim at Gowen Field at 208-272-4330. God bless our vets and our troops!
Also a special thank you to Reilly's Church Supply for matching $100 worth of pledges. And a special thank you to Bob for hosting the show while Jerry was on break.
St. Vincent de Paul's
Flight Tour
Call in and pledge between now and 3:00pm and be entered into a drawing for a 1hr flight tour with a Salt and Light listener!
And you'll also be entered into the grand prizes for the cabin stays in Tamarck and McCall!
If you haven't pledged yet, now is a good time!
And you'll also be entered into the grand prizes for the cabin stays in Tamarck and McCall!
If you haven't pledged yet, now is a good time!
Come visit us!
Sacred Heart in Emmet
JoAnn and Renee are in the studio sharing with us about all of the happenings at Sacred Heart in Emmet.
And we made out $1,100 matching goal!!!!! Thank you donors!
This hour...
Just a reminder of the challenge for this hour: we have a donor who is matching up to $1,100 this hour!
Our veteran's Applebees certificates are still here, swing by and pick them up, or anyone can come by and grab a pie!
Also, all today will be entered into our grand prize drawings for a week stay in a Tamarack Chalet, and a weekend in a McCall condo on the Payette river.
Call and wake up our phone bank!
Our veteran's Applebees certificates are still here, swing by and pick them up, or anyone can come by and grab a pie!
Also, all today will be entered into our grand prize drawings for a week stay in a Tamarack Chalet, and a weekend in a McCall condo on the Payette river.
Call and wake up our phone bank!
Michell Hill & Dedra Williams are on the air with Robert Bailey and Carol Brown talking with us about Catholic and Single Together (CAST). CAST is a group for single adults that provides a family for divorced and other single Catholics.
Match Challenge!
Matching pledge challenge for this hour: $1,100. Call us up and get our call bank working!
Free Lunch for Veterans!
If you are a veteran (or the spouse of one), swing by Salt and Light (5601 cassia st), make a , and walk out with a gift certificate to to Applebee's (and a pie)!
Awesome Job St. Mark's!
We asked for $1,000 from St. Mark's parish, in the last 20min of this hour. We received over $2,000!!! Way to go St. Mark's!
Thank you to everybody who gave this hour and for all of our donors! Praise God!
Special challenge to the parents of the 2nd grade class at St. Mark's in these last few minutes!
Thank you to everybody who gave this hour and for all of our donors! Praise God!
Special challenge to the parents of the 2nd grade class at St. Mark's in these last few minutes!
St. Mark's Hour
Principle Dan Maloney of St. Mark's school is in the studio talking about the wonderful gifts at St. Mark's. He is joined this hour by student Katlin who is telling us about her love for her school.
MATCHING PLEDGES!!! St. MArk's is matching the next $1,000 for this hour! Only a few minutes left! Call in St. Mark's parents and parishioners!
Fr. Bruno on the air
Fr. Bruno Maloney from St. Mark's is on the air with Bob Bailey sharing with us about his journey to the priesthood. If you aren't tuned in you are missing out! Thank God for all of our wonderful Idaho priests!
Call in this hour and be entered into a drawing for two great books donated by Fr. Bruno:
"Venerable Edel Quinn" a wonderful, true story about how one person can make a difference,
"Miracles on Tap" by Frenk Duff, the story of the Legion of Mary
Lenten Pilgrimages
Veronica and Jason Childers are on live with Bob Bailey talking about the Lenten Pilgrimages ministry at St. Mark's. Tune in and hear their testimony on how these pilgrimages can change your life and even improve your marriage!
And remember to keep those pledges coming in!
Pledges for Pies!
B cubed
Robert (Bob) Barros Bailey will be our host through this lunch hour. Bob is the director of the Treasure Valley Young Adult Ministry (TVYAM), and you can follow Bob and TVYAM on Facebook. Listen in through your lunch hour while Bob shares with us about TVYAM and interviews are guests! Keep your pledges and prayers coming in!
Special challenge to TVYAMers! Call in and pledge $50+ and Bob will buy you a drink at Moxie Java at the next Holy Grounds meeting.
Last Day of the Pledge Drive!
This is our LAST DAY of the pledge drive! If you haven't made a pledge yet this week call in now! An anonymous donor will double your pledge! Every little bit helps, call in, show your support and help keep Salt and Light Catholic Radio in Idaho.
Our Studio
Live on Salt and Light Radio!
Grand Prizes for Today
We have two, that's right TWO grand prizes for today!
Every caller today will be entered into two drawings. The first drawing is for a weekend stay at a McCall condo on the Payette river! The second drawing is for a week stay at a Tamarack Chalet!
And tonight don't miss the Mass of Gratitude for Catholic Radio with Fr. Camacho at St. Mary's at 7:00pm tonight! If you can't make it to St. Mary's tune in to Salt and Light 1140AM as we thank God for this radio station and celebrate the Eucharist!
Every caller today will be entered into two drawings. The first drawing is for a weekend stay at a McCall condo on the Payette river! The second drawing is for a week stay at a Tamarack Chalet!
And tonight don't miss the Mass of Gratitude for Catholic Radio with Fr. Camacho at St. Mary's at 7:00pm tonight! If you can't make it to St. Mary's tune in to Salt and Light 1140AM as we thank God for this radio station and celebrate the Eucharist!
The Joy of Catholic Radio
As you know, there is a special joy in being Catholic. This joy extends to Salt and Light Radio and is able to be shared with the whole valley. All the offerings from EWTN, the rosary, daily mass, and our local shows spread the truth of Jesus throughout our communities, and help to extend this joy out to the four corners of the earth. And we can only keep this good work going with your support! Keep us in your prayers and help support us financially if you can, every little bit helps
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